
November 21, 2011

Veeh of  VeehCirra awarded us the The Liebster Blog Award.

Liebster award

Liebster Blog Award

Veeh tells us that:

Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest,dearest, beloved, lovely, kindly, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

Thank you very much Veeh.  You are certainly a worthy recipient of the award yourself!  I loved your article about Loving Yourself First.

October 23, 2011

David of Wondering Pilgrim awarded us the Versatile Bloggers Award. at http://wonderingpilgrim.com/2011/10/23/versatile-blogging-award/  David has followed our journey for many months and holds similar values to myself.  While David serves The Church of Christ and I am an atheist, our connection shows that while people can hold different beliefs, that shouldn’t be a barrier to friendship and support.  Please visit David and see the other great sites he has awarded!

Thank you for the Award, David.  I am very touched. 🙂

October 2, 2011

OH MY GOSH!  I know I have been slack very slow with updating this page, but I missed formally acknowledging Salali611’s Versatile Blogging Award totally!  Sayali, I am so sorry!

Please (belatedly) check out Sayali611’s work on Finding 42 and recommendations on Yeah, baby, I’ll show you versatile Part III feel so embarrassed, I’m saying nothing more right now, but I owe her a HEAP of comments I think, to make up for my bad manners!

September 22, 2011

Jo of Chronicles of Illusions awarded us a unique adaptation of several awards she had received.  Please visit Jo’s award page to check out other worthy recipients and her unique presentation style!  http://jobryantnz.wordpress.com/2011/09/22/and-the-award-goes-to/

Erin of Momfog has also been awarded herself and duly passed the awards on!  Very entertaining post she has too!  http://momfog.com/2011/09/22/blog-awards-thank-you/  It might be three months before I get to respond properly, just like it took her, we both have large families! 😆

Thank you both for your kind words and for the support!

September 12, 2011

John of Wandering the World awarded us the 7 Links Award.  John’s post can be found at http://wanderinground.wordpress.com/2011/09/12/7-links-award/ and my response at https://teamoyeniyi.com/2011/09/13/we-are-honoured/ Check out the other recipients of John’s award as they are all great reads!

June 23, 2011

Donna of The Redneck Princess has awarded us the Blog Lovin’ Award!


Thank you very much Donna.  I am way behind with passing awards on, but I will catch up – although it may be next month the rate things are going! 🙂

We appreciate the recognition very much!

June 16, 2011

Elizabeth of Mirth and Motivation kindly awarded peers three awards:


Elizabeth said:

***As a special Thank YOU, I want to acknowledge all my blog buddies who have been very helpful to me on my journey to grow this blog. I’m extending these Three blog Awards to YOU!!! Each of you have been very supportive with your kind words and comments and I have to say THANK YOU! Also, I’m extending same to all other WordPress and Blogspot Bloggers for your resilience. These three awards are for you too. My only request is that you claim them and enjoy displaying them on your blog and give this blog a mention. You may also share them with 15 or more bloggers and mention where you got them from.(more below) *** Thanks to everyone else; non-bloggers and social media friends, you are appreciated too.

I can’t say it better than Elizabeth, so I am blatantly stealing her words! 🙂 I echo her sentiments!

May 18, 2011

Thank you very much to Momfog who awarded me the P.O.R.N Award not once, but twice!   Congratulation to Momfog on achieving 10,000 page views!

I am frightly behind on passing these awards on, but given my current circumstances I trust everyone understands!

Please visit Momfog: she has a great family and decorates the most fantastic cakes.

May 6, 2011

Emily of  Paroxysm of Outrageous News (otherwise affectionately known as P.O.R.N has awarded me the  following Star Award.

Please go here to read Emily’s award criteria and read her wonderful writing while you are there.  http://paroxysmornews.wordpress.com/click-me/p-o-r-n-star-awards/

P.O.R.N Star Award

P.O.R.N Star Award

Due to my current situation, it will take me a little while to pass this award on.  Just know I am flattered to receive acknowledgement and Emily’s high praise.

April 2011

Not exactly an award as I didn’t reach the finals, but I was excited to be a nominee in the Australian Best Blogs 2011 competition.

Best Blogs 2011

March 29, 2011

Josiah, of Devastating the Obvious, very sweetly awarded me as well.  While I am grateful for the award, I do not have the time right this moment to pass it on, however I am acknowledging Josiah’s kind thoughts. I will get back to this when I am not so inunndated!

Thank you, Josiah!


March 27, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award

Yesterday a fellow member of WordPress, Sara of Life with 4 Cats,  awarded me the Versatile Bloggers Award.  I really enjoy Sara’s writing and while Sara is a “cat person” and I classify myself as a “dog person” we have found we have a lot in common – for example Sara recommended a book series to me and I had already read it and we discovered we both didn’t like the last book for the same reasons.  Even across the world, we can find like minded people!  She gave an award to one of the same bloggers I thought about!

Being rather new at this, I am flattered to have been awarded.  Thank you, Sara, for noticing me.

The Rules for the Award are:

  1. Share 7 things about yourself.
  2. Pass the award along to 7  other deserving award recipients.
  3. Link to the award recipients.

So here we go!

1) Share 7 things about myself – this could be difficult, assuming this needs to be 7 things not already known from my content!

  1. I love the sea.  When I was younger, I wanted to join the Navy, but I was 2 inches too short back then.  I still am too short, but I think they’ve changed the rules!
  2. I actually do have a sense of humour, I just don’t think it has the opportunity to show through in much of my writing to date.
  3. When I was about 12, I gave mouth-to-nose resusitation to a calf that we had assisted out of the birth canal by tractor.  Sadly we lost the calf.
  4. I can’t wear slingback shoes, which is really annoying.  I found a co-worker the other day with the same problem, which made me feel as if I am not the only one in the world with funny heels!
  5. My favourite dog was called Bonecrusher, a very bad name for a German Shepherd from a public relations perspective, but he was named after a racehorse.
  6. My bed is squeaking – I must get my son-in-law to fix it before my family come home!  For what I hope are obvious reasons!
  7. If I could, I’d live life barefoot.

2) & 3) Share the award with 7 other blogs and link to the recipients – I’ve struggled with this – there are a blogs I would like to award to, but I think receiving the award will not “fit” with their blogs and I do not want to feel I am imposing on them by awarding them, but who am I to really know!  So I’m going with it anyway and the recipients can make up their own minds what to do about it!  It was hard to decide, as there are others I really like too.  But 7 it is! In alphabetical order of title – it seemed a fair way to list!

  1. Devastating the Obvious. Josiah Black has grown on me.  Young, intelligent, looks a little like my son and definitely a versatile way with words!
  2. Mixin’ it up: Goulash Style. Rachel writes about life in a funny and frank style.  I always enjoy her work.
  3. Paradise Preoccupied.  Sandra Hanks is a published writer who has a way with words that I absolutely adore.  I highly doubt Sandra needs any award from me, but she is always at the top of my reading list!  Even published authors need advertising, right?
  4. Piglet in Portugal. PiP writes about living in Portugal and about food.  Everything from filling in the local census to a wonderful orange dessert.
  5. The eternal solitude of the restless mind. Giulas asks interesting different questions about life.  He is a film director from São Paulo, Brasil.
  6. The Last Explorer.  He’s been everywhere, man!  Extremely beautiful photographs of his travels.  Let him take you on a journey of the world!
  7. The Problem with Young People Today is… Don Mills is anther who needs no introduction, but he is so funny I just can’t resist!  Very versatile!

I’m adding two honourable mentions: InvisibleMikey and MomFog.  Michael needs no introduction and recently was awarded the Stylish Blogger award, but I think he is versatile too.  Erin is fighting her WordPress addiction in a very entertaining way!

Sara, you were right – this Awards thing is hard work – took me longer to do this than any of my own writing! 🙂  One of my 7 disclosures should have been that I am a very bad proofreader.  AFTER I contacted my 7 recipients, I noticed I had left an error in the comment from changing the text.  It should, of course, have read, “.. you as one…”!


The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

While nice to be rated “Wow” I’m honestly not sure what that means!

26 comments on “Awards

  1. An award for you…but just wanted to let you know…I think you deserve them all personally…but you choose:

    tis the season…


  2. Wow, that’s fantastic,hope he enjoys his first party! Mums have so much to do gosh 🙂


  3. Hi Robin, I too have nominated you for Versatile blog award. Please check the link



  4. Your wall of love “awards”is beautiful!!Thank you for being such a wonderful person Robin!


  5. Robyn, for such a good and successful blog i’m going to pass on the ” The Rebekah Loper Award ” it’s not passed on lightly 🙂 so you are one of few to have.
    You can read about it at my first link and pick up the award at the second link.
    Would you please put a link back to ” Rebekah Loper ” in your awards page, and you can mention me if you want to 🙂

    Versatile Bloggers Award



  6. Another one for you – I have nominated you for ‘The versatile blogger’ – http://findin42.wordpress.com/2011/10/02/yeah-baby-ill-show-u-versatile-part-ii/


  7. I love your awards page… brilliant! 🙂


  8. I think you are such an incredibly strong and enduring woman. To have been what you’ve been through and persevere publicly is a feat deserving much more than an award, and I wish you the best in overcoming the ridiculous policies made by men in high places.

    Finally, you deserve this award because, despite all of that ^ , you’re always able to see the humor in life. And that’s what being a P.O.R.N. Star is all about. 😀


  9. I’m honored to be honorably mentioned! Great picks!


    • I HAVE FIXED YOUR NAME!!!! I felt so bad when you pointed it out. I always did wonder what on earth a frog had to do with being a mum (we use mum, not mom) and then when I realised – DUH @ me! MomFOG – makes perfect sense NOW!


  10. […] for the Versatile Blogger Award. I am both honoured and humbled…Thank you! Faithsdreamblog Love Versus Goliath Mirth and Motivation Life’s a Beach Jeanne’s […]


  11. Thank you my new friend! I will work on this Monday! I so appreciate it:) I have to re-do my “About Me” page so on Mon that should be up too .


  12. Many thanks for the nod and the kind words.

    Many years ago I worked with a lad who gave mouth-to-nose resusitation to a chihuahua that passed out on a busy sidewalk. To hear him tell it, he saved the creature’s life.

    All the best and my thanks once again.



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