Tag Archive | food

My dietitian and me

My Dr G (G for gastroenterologist) sent me off to see a dietitian. Given weight management is also important for arthritic conditions, this was a sensible recommendation all around, I thought. We had a bit of a rocky start to our relationship, did Ms D and I. Our first appointment was changed three times before […]

A very short rant about sugar!

As you will of course know, I am using MyFitnessPal to track my food intake. Sugar is unavoidable! Every damn day I have exceeded the 5o-odd gram allowance. Sugar is in everything, it is unavoidable. I’ve not been near the sugar bowl today and STILL the computer says I have eaten too much sugar! Some […]

We need politicians with vision

One of the things that bothers me about the current Australian government is lack of vision, lack of the ability to think outside the square or to challenge the status quo. I’m going to illustrate with an example built around our health system (on which I have written voluminously lately), the horrific domestic violence record in this […]

The dose makes the poison – Paracelsus

The dose makes the poison. So said 16th century physician Paracelsus. I learnt this today reading an article in The Guardian titled Inside the food industry: the surprising truth about what you eat by Joanna Blythman. At this point in time I known very little about Blythman but I am going to make it a priority […]

This week has a human rights focus

While you might say this site always has a human rights focus, this week I am the curator for the Twitter handle @HumanRightsRCur so I will be sharing various human rights information. If you are on Twitter and interested in human rights from around the world, please follow! 🙂 One of the aspects of human rights […]