Tag Archive | detention

Was I too tough on Scott Morrison?

Please allow me to provide context and a sequence of events. Yesterday I saw this tweet: Scott Morriscum, arsehole extraordinaire #auspol #worstgovernmentever pic.twitter.com/wzHd3YvbzO — Salty Bobbins (@SharyBobbins) February 16, 2014 My immediate response was “Oh, this couldn’t be true, it’s a mean meme.” ** Looking further afield, I started to think there may be some […]

Could he have avoided overstaying his visa?

BARRIE CASSIDY: Three days ago an Indian student took his own life at a detention centre in Melbourne. He was in that centre because he overstayed his visa. Could that have been avoided? SCOTT MORRISON: Could he have avoided overstaying his visa? BARRIE CASSIDY: Is there a better way to deal with a student who […]