Feminism can be frivolous fun

Convoy of Cleavage

THAT Convoy of Cleavage

Helen Razer has had a rough year. Her relationship dissolved; there is this milestone birthday looming and those damn women claiming to be feminists just WILL NOT do things Helen’s way.

I’ve written about Helen twice before and in my view that is more than enough, so I resisted. I thought of cutting clichés in my head and quickly disposed of them. “No, no, no”, I told myself, “don’t try to lower yourself to her level, it will never work”. The problem is she keeps popping up in the periphery of my social media vision, like that mouldy bread in the pantry you could swear you told the kids to bin two days ago.

Some people seem to reach a certain age and believe they know it all. Not only do they believe they know it all, they think every other person on the planet should believe they know it all too. Fortunately, some of us are older, have lived longer, have more life experience and are way more inclined to roll our eyes in exasperation at the infantile behaviour displayed by this self-appointed paragon of toilet sex than to follow her slatternly gutter-speak with wide-eyed, youthful adoration. “Oh, how daring of her”, the acolytes cry. What, you can’t hear them, you say? I’m not surprised; the numbers are dwindling by the day.

Toilet sex? Good grief, how woefully 70s. I’m not sure what such a disclosure was meant to demonstrate, but what I saw was a kid not picked for the cool team clutching at straws to appear oh so very avant-garde, so “out there” (also a bit 70s). So very I’m not flashing my boobs because I haven’t forgiven nature for the realities of gravity but if I shout about my puberty blues, I can forget I’m middle-aged. Suck it up princess, it doesn’t work like that. Middle-aged women recounting their youthful escapades out of context just sound desperate.

Actually taking up a REAL discussion about grassroots issues affecting real women who never saw the inside of a university and had five kids by twenty-two would be way outside her experience, what with all her highfalutin bourgeois superannuation talk.  Rather than devote her considerable (so I am told) intellectual abilities to such worthwhile endeavours, Helen would rather spend her energies spewing unrelenting vitriol at her sisters-in-arms because they decided to have a bit of fun. FUCK! How DARE Jen start anything light-hearted and FUN without first checking with the Goddess of Feminism herself? Helen, get out there and do some hours, a LOT of hours, in a women’s shelter. Spend less time screaming “Look at me, look at me, I’m so wonderful” and more time doing something constructive.

When I first discovered Helen Razer I thought she was great. A real role-model for women. I’ve reached the point with this last episode where I regret the fact she ever managed to swallow a dictionary and a thesaurus in one gulp and wish she would stop undermining the battle for gender equality. Helen is not constructive. If any reader can illustrate to me how this venomous tirade of abuse is constructive, I’ll be very surprised.

Razer's Rant

Razer’s Rant

As for her opinion piece in the Guardian, I suggest you read it yourself, but only AFTER you have read Jennifer’s original fun, frivolous call for the convoy of cleavage that got international press coverage (other links are on Jen’s article, next link). Jennifer’s own response can be found at So our Convoy wasn’t feminist? Bite me, baby.

A parental afterthought – please stop calling each other “bitches”. You are just popularising the images from rap songs which glorify mistreatment of women. Parents battle to teach their sons to respect women and this undermines all our hard work.


47 comments on “Feminism can be frivolous fun

  1. […] Feminism can be frivolous fun (teamoyeniyi.com) […]


  2. I have noticed HR for years. Her writings are provocative, mostly for effect as she acknowledges. But she writes for a living. Everything she writes is either paid for, or intended to promote payment. My father wrote for a living. At his snapping Olivetti he fed a punishing daily schedule with quick turn arounds for live tv and weekly sit coms and dramas. Not unlike the pressures described by Helen as she tries and lately “quits” writing op ed for the voracious and cruel internet. He too had immediate feedback, as he ticked off the gags that went to air from the pages sent to Channel 9 in a taxi earlier that day. It’s not new, is my point. If HR is only now understanding the reality of her chosen profession then, oh dear. Her intemperate online responses are a study in cyber tantrum, and might be a cautionary tale. I don’t know where she goes from here. She has typed herself into a corner. Perhaps she could get a job that so occupies her time that writing again becomes a privilege and a pleasure.


  3. […] Helen Razer has had a rough year. Her relationship dissolved; there is this milestone birthday looming and those damn women claiming to be feminists just WILL NOT do things Helen’s way. I’ve writte…  […]


  4. […] Feminism can be frivolous fun (teamoyeniyi.com) […]


  5. […] Last week, as an afterthought, I popped this short statement at the end of Feminism can be frivolous fun: […]


  6. Robyn, I didn’t have time to read this yesterday when you linked me on twitter, so I’m catching up this morning. I’d never heard of Helen until this morning when I came back to read your post, and I find the crux of her #conveyofcleavage criticism to be grossly paradoxical considering (what I perceive to be) her ‘feminist’ values. But I made the same observation more than a few times while reading your post, and I was compelled to share.

    “Middle-aged women recounting their youthful escapades out of context just sound desperate,”

    She gets on your nerves, I get it. But criticizing her for sharing an anecdote about toilet sex, saying she was clutching at straws like a kid who’d never been picked for the cool team, for me, was analogous to Helen’s comments about women running around with their titties hanging out because they’re ‘wannabestrippers.’ Now, in all fairness, I’m guilty of making comments exactly like these, so I don’t condemn either of you for making them. I’m judgey like that sometimes. A lot of times. I just needed to point out that, for me, it was the same kind of generalized gender-based insult that I felt Helen was making- snarky, elitist, and more destructive than constructive. I may not have agreed with her, but I understood she shared the story to illustrate she wasn’t a total prude. Yes, she was vulgar. But that speaks to me. I’m more affected and moved to action by a good “let’s fucking do something,” than I am by a “please help me.” It’s not good or bad, it just ‘is.’ Had I agreed with her, it would have been an effective method of reaching me.

    “Please stop calling each other ‘bitches’.You are just popularising the images from rap songs which glorify mistreatment of women.”

    Your parental afterthought, for me, and please don’t take offense, really highlights the leagues of difference between your generation and mine. I don’t know how old you are, but you write about being old enough to simply roll your eyes at the infantilism, etc. So I’m thinking you’re old enough. Anyway, without going into great detail, suffice it to say I’m a 35 year old educated white woman, I was raised in the military, have traveled the globe and I grew up on rap music. I also spent ten years working in the domestic violence/sexual assault fields. For me, the term ‘bitch,’ denotes a million things, but for whatever reason, images from rap music never even come into my frame of reference. But for someone from older generations or totally different cultural spheres than my own, I can see why it might. (Again, I feel like I have to say I’m not calling you old, just making an observation based on the tone of your post.)

    If we ever want to make any real progress for our daughters (and sons), we have to first learn to “Meet people where they’re at,” and stop telling each other, “You’re doing it wrong.” I wish more “proper feminists” would say, “I totally disagree with you on A, B, and C,” but then close with, “But here’s what you said that I can get behind…”

    What bothers me are the ‘resolutes’ from all sides of the #Iamnotaproperfeminist contributors. “It’s wrong to call each other bitches,” and “Showing everybody your cleavage is narcissism parading as activism.” There is too little regard for the variety in audience, and the concept of cultural competence is lost on practically everyone. We have to dismount the horse we rode in on, acknowledge and respect the influence our individual schemas have on our frames of reference, and in our dialogue.

    Now here’s what you said that I can get behind- You’re right, if she’s just some pseudo-intellectual sitting on her Vagina Throne passing out textbook wisdom in the form of expletive-filled rants, then she needs to take her fancy ass to a shelter or a protest or whateverthefuck and put some time in getting her hands dirty. And stop fucking slut-shaming. I appreciated your coming to the defense of the #conveyofcleavage, and agree that wasting our time with venomous assaults on any kind of feminist activism, no matter how frivolous, is ironically enough, frivolous and a waste of time.

    I don’t know you or Helen aside from what I’ve read in these links, but I’ve got love for any woman who spends her time trying to make the world a better place for my daughter. So kudos to you both for having the passion to even have these dialogues, too many of our fellow women won’t even take the time to participate.

    ETA: I tried posting this with a wordpress account, but it kicked me off. WordPress hates me. Trying again with twitter.


    • Sorry about WordPress – they did something fancy about comment validation a while ago, I forget what exactly now.

      I have pointed out in other comments, I wrote this particular piece in this particular way for a very specific reason: to mirror Helen’s piece back at her. I had written in a much more gentle way last time this sort of thing came up in the media. I make no apologies for that, although I understand some readers disapprove. It was a case “fight fire with fire”, for me.

      As for the parental note, regular readers know I am raising four children. 13 and 15 year-old boys and 10 and 18 year-old girls. Very difficult to tell the boys not to call the girls at school bitches when they simply point to the media and say “but these women call each other bitches and you say we are all equal”. Yet the meanings they “get” are the meanings from the rap songs, which as parents we have to counter-act if we want them to respect women. I hope that clarifies the problem a little. I could go deeper into that, but I think you get my drift. As evidence, I refer you to a link about rap lyrics in this piece https://teamoyeniyi.com/2013/06/18/sexism-roundup/ which will also give you some insight into the terrible sexism our female Prime Minister has been subjected to. It is all relevant. Not to mention 73% of women murdered are murdered by partners or relatives. If we want to raise men to see women as equals and with respect, we have to start with ourselves.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read the articles in question (and there were a few of them, between Helen, Jennifer and myself). 🙂

      Much of what I was planning to include in my response to you I have already written in earlier responses and I don’t want to sound repetitive, so I’ll just refer you to earlier responses. I hope you don’t think that is lazy of me!


  7. This made me so sad, and yet I am happy you wrote it and found such good words to describe the tragedy of women publicly attacking women on feminist issues and feminist credentials. Helen isn’t the only one doing this at the moment. I understand these women have issues. I understand that they’re fed up, burnt out and exasperated. But it’s absolutely scary when they are in full flight screaming abuses, and I’m sure many of us duck for cover – or fight that urge! It’s as you say in the comments, “What happens is women turn away, feel excluded and ridiculed. Women get abused enough without being abused by one of their own.” It’s so depressing in light of the now, and the future, and so disrespectful of the past. After all these decades, surely our message to women can be encouraging and welcoming and open, and not vitriolic and bitter and superior. There isn’t a test for women to pass before they are “allowed” into the sacred rite of feminism! They’re welcome!

    Great post, thank you.


    • Thank you Rosie, I appreciate your kind words. Most importantly, I appreciate that you “got it”. This is not a writing style I like adopting at all, but in this case I felt it was necessary for the very reasons you state.


  8. I heartily agree with you on the fact that Helen Razer is behaving like an arse and seems to think she defines feminism for Australian women. It is irritating, offensive and counter-productive and Helen needs to pull her damn head in! Feminism takes many forms and while I might not engage in the cleavage baring form of feminism, I believe other women have the right to choose to do so if that works for them. It’s good to see some feminists standing up and telling Helen Razer she’s out of line.

    However, I question the value of ridiculing her age, and referring to any woman as “slatternly”. After all, isn’t what we are trying to do as feminists is to have women valued for more than being youthful, attractive and “pure and chaste”? Isn’t the whole point of feminism to break down a culture that vilifies women for their age (whatever that age may be – “young and dumb” or “old and dried up” or anywhere in between) and for their appearance/sexuality? If we’re going to use archaic, misogynistic terms like “slatternly”, aren’t we doing the very thing that we’re trying to quash?


    • I’ll work backwards if you don’t mind. 🙂

      My use of slatternly was a reference (which was not detected, it seems, by readers) to Helen’s own sub-title on her website, “.. the untidy house …” I was using the definition of “Slovenly; untidy”. Admittedly, I don’t seem to have the same horror of the word that some have expressed. I was even accused of using the word in a masculinised way. This actually didn’t surprised me, I’ve often been mistaken for a male when I write, I am used to it. Language changes over time and I was raised in a more “old English” environment than probably many Australians, so using a word some consider “old” doesn’t disturb me either. Who knows? I just don’t have the same aversion to the word. Furthermore, I find it FAR less offensive than some of the words Helen herself has used in her tweets to other women. Denise Allen preferred to use a different definition, that is her choice.

      I could suggest that if one wants to behave like a misogynist, they should not be surprised if misogynistic terms are used to describe them. That was NOT my intent, but now you raise it, I’m content with it.

      For example, I detest the use of the word “Bitches” which “real” feminists seem to have adopted of late to chat to each other. To me it buys into the whole rap music scene where it is used to more often than not denigrate women. Are they trying to turn it into a badge of honour? Doesn’t work with the N-word, don’t think it works with the B-word either.

      I was actually astounded at a couple of women in particular who I expected would NOT have seen Helen Razer’s abusive treatment of others as even remotely acceptable. I was disappointed. So be it.

      I wasn’t ridiculing her age, after all I’m considerably older than Helen. I was writing my article in a way that I hoped turned the tables she had used against innocent women in her completely unwarranted tirade. She made references to their (our) ages, I made reference to hers.

      I personally don’t think the Femen type of breast baring is sensible, I refer you to https://teamoyeniyi.com/2013/03/30/ruby-hamad-is-right-whether-western-women-understand-it-or-not/ HOWEVER I will not accept that we all have to pretend to be men to be equal. We have breasts, damn it, and if we want to have cleavage that is our right to do so. https://teamoyeniyi.com/2012/03/31/equality-does-not-mean-sameness/

      Yes, it is good to engage in dialogue and I thnk the reactions of a lot of women to the #convoyofcleavage and the #Iamnotaproperfeminist hashtags on Twitter plus the comments on Jennifer’s two articles has highlighted women don’t like to be marginalised by other women – or dictated to. We end up more controlled by women than we do by the dreaded patriarchy. I had been gentle last time https://teamoyeniyi.com/2013/03/09/the-battle-of-feminist-ideologies/ but this time she was WAY over the top. They do say, as I am sure you are aware, to speak in the language of your audience. That is what I did.

      Thank you for joining the conversation. I think it is an important one!


      • If you want to reduce yourself to their level, sure, you can “speak in the language of your audience”. Is that what you really want?


      • I understand you may not agree with my choice, but in this case, yes, it was. I felt it was necessary in this particular instance. I was, in fact, restrained, believe it or not.

        I much prefer sensible discussion, but sadly it is not always effective. 😦


    • Overall, breasts are a bigger statement than we realise. Look at this https://twitter.com/TeamOyeniyi/status/338592270007808001/photo/1

      If we are forced to deny our very bodies, we are back in the time of this crazy sort of belief.

      I should point out it has not been proven this quote can be attributed to the man in question, however it is certainly indicative of many of the beliefs stated in various religious books.


  9. […] – http://tinyurl.com/ForFuckSakeFriday – http://tinyurl.com/NotFeministActivism – http://tinyurl.com/FeminismCanBeFrivolous […]


  10. Glad to find others who share my opinion of her. I’ve removed her from my Twitter feed and avoid reading anything by her as it only makes me ultra cranky. She doesn’t deserve our attention, nor the accolades that she receives from some bloggers I know. Thanks for writing this.


    • Thanks Dorothy. Due to various things I’ve read since this blew up out of all proportion, I’ve decided I will no longer identify as a feminist. Humanist suits me just fine.

      Some feminists are wonderful, but this whole “sleeping with the enemy” thing (see Twitter feed for that one) and the venom shown by some are just not philosophies I feel comfortable with at all.


  11. […] page and occassionaly I “promote” posts for a nominal fee. Yesterday I promoted Feminism can be frivolous fun. That article has the image of the Convoy of Cleavage. Cleavage, folks, yes, clothed cleavage. Not […]


  12. I’ve no idea who she is – long may that contnue! but your writing is priceless!


    • Gilly, sometimes we just have to stand up and be counted. For me, this was one of those times. I found it very odd that I got taken to task for using the slatternly word (in a masculinised way, no less) when the words used by Helen were far, far worse.

      Oh, the joys of using one’s voice for the betterment of others.


  13. Her point is libertarian feminism does little to destroy Capitalism at its roots, the irony by which attacking advertisers to remove sexualisation of women then exposing self-portraits of breasts. She’s fiercely against symbolism or activism or whatever you want to call it. of this kind. It doesn’t work. And the international press you talk of. Daily Mail is a trash paper. I guess she’s had 20 years of experience within the movement, and tires from repetition, using her platform as her voice. I can understand why she does this, and she doesn’t have to be nice nor pleasant to anyone should she choose. Whether you think that’s right or not, she’s trying to point attention away from distraction to politics and the dire consequences of a potential Abbott led Government in Aus which will be far worse for women. Her opinion is white bourgeois feminists have done little for the underdog, women in poverty, aboriginals. Frustration is all hers I’m afraid. It’d be rewarding for people to think of new ideas to attack Capitalism rather than in-house fighting, not constructive at all for the movement. If you’re immersed in Capitalism but don’t do anything to achieve its destruction then being a feminist serves no purpose. As long as there’s a fraternity of brotherhood, we’ll never achieve equality in a centralised Capitalist state.


    • I am a capitalist, sorry to disappoint you. 🙂

      You will note I have also refused to renew my Liberal party membership.

      Those matters aside, Helen was wrong. Helen has appointed herself the sole arbitrator of what constitutes feminist activism and more than that she has mercilessly attacked innocent women for her own grandiousment. She is not, in my opinion, “trying to point attention away from distraction to politics” at all. That is nice spin, but doesn’t wash when she attacks the very women she should be, according to her manifesto, defending. Helen’s media persona (I make no call about her personally) is simply to make money – i.e. a capitalist. That is what I see from her behaviour this week and also back in March. In between times I managed, most of the time, to ignore her.

      Feminism is not about destroying capitalism, it is about gender equality. There are other movements/collectives intent on destroying capitalism. I have no quarrel with them as it is diversity that builds a nation.


      • I disagree. She encourages frustration and if anything stirs up conversation whether it’s right or wrong. Sometimes civility doesn’t work and if I’m being honest, I find it a little boring. That’s just me, we’re are individual and not all cut from the same cloth. Sometimes I’m a little rude when highly sensitive dependent on what toxicity I’ve recently ingested from global economies or who’s the latest activist seeking truth to better our communities and have they jailed him yet, Bradley Manning. People can block her should they wish. I tend to do this with anyone who bloats my goat. Her activism isn’t a civil voice.


      • Her activism is not activism. It is self promotion.


      • Ok. You’re entitled to think that. There’s time when she’s been desperate and she once would’ve been on the bones, as I’ve read some of her background material. She also got heavily stalked while on radio. We all have to deal with shit. The ego as a writer is such that self-promotion is the way to survive in this system you approve of. As I draw attention to myself, now an egotistical artist, I don’t earn any money and living with my parents. I realise that’s my choice. Capitalism doesn’t support our real activists, free-thinkers nor artists who actively seek truth and throw everything on the line daily. Perhaps spare those of us a thought and creatives in general. We don’t conform to the rules of society. We don’t want to, it sucks.


      • Come back and comment again when you’ve read my book. In the meantime, don’t you dare talk to me about real activists.


      • I dare talk to you and I’ve supported your blog and commented before. *dare*, really is unnecessary directed at me because I disagree with your reasoning on Helen Razer. I see the world through different lens as do you as does Helen. We disagree, so what. Doesn’t mean an attack is necessary, does it? How on earth is humanity to connect if you think you’re right or Helen thinks she’s right. No-one’s right. It’s a case of trying and if she’s one for whinge, block her. She’s not stalling the movement and at least encourages her followers to try look at new directives to encourage a better place. Can’t blame the woman for trying.


      • My apologies but you were the second person who questioned my right to consider myself an activist. I was fighting for women to be allowed to wear trousers, yes, that’s right, trousers, to work before most in today’s workforce were born. Women still had to leave work if they got married back then, in certain roles, but it was starting to get better. I’ve taught English to migrant women in their homes so they could have better opportunities to participate in life in their new country. I went to the home of a young Italian staff member to take her to the company Christmas dinner because she was not allowed to go without a chaparone and drove her home afterwards.

        I didn’t have any opportunity to live at home with my parents, they were dead. I wasn’t out marching or writing articles: I was studying and working to earn money to feed and educate my kids. But I did what I could constructively to help those I could. I still do. One doesn’t need an army of generals to fight a war, we need footsoldiers too. If everyone helps one other person in life, just one, the world would be a better place.

        I am right to the extent that Helen makes no attempt to connect. I did not say Helen’s basic philosophy is wrong – I am saying her divisive behaviour is wrong. Just the same as I tell the children I am raising their behaviour is wrong when it is, or staff their behaviour is wrong if it is.

        There is NOTHING to be gained for the women’s movement, or the rights of minorities, if those doing what they can or what they feel comfortable with are bullied and castigated publicly and called the sort of names Helen used this week. What happens is women turn away, feel excluded and ridiculed. Women get abused enough withut being abused by one of their own.

        I got accused of using a word in this article in a masculine way. Yet the words Helen used were far, far worse and she attacked many women and it wasn’t the first time. Helen does not encourage discourse or connection. She takes a flamethrower to anyone who has the timerity to do something she disagrees with. Please note these women were not even disagreeing with Helen, they were merely doing something they wanted to do of their own volition. Helen’s reaction was not about connecting humanity, it was about syaing “I am right and the rest of you can go to hell”. I do not find that attractive, constructive or encouraging a better place. But I’ve said that already.


  14. Robyn thank you for elucidating what I have thought about Helen Razor for years. I’ve never been a fan because I believe some people do take feminism too far and actually send the cause backwards! A case in point for me was when i was at uni and I ended up writing a very feminist Lit paper because I knew that was the only way that I could pass the course. Don’t get me wrong, I admire the female grotesque when it’s done well but when it is taken to the gutter with repetitive coarse language, obsessive self absorbtion and lots of meaningless big words in between, it’s not clever and does not resonate with the majority. Like you say, she sounds like she needs to get out into the real world and truly walk in someone elses shoes. Maybe she might even find some compassion and manners if she did so!


    • Thank you Alison. Obviously you woke up a little earlier than I did.

      I recognise it may well be this is all just a media persona on her part because it pays the bills. In person she may be a very lovely individual. I’ve not met her, so I can’t make that determination.

      I’m not a fan of the female grotesque any more than I am a fan of the male grotesque. I think they are both detrimental to the human condition and do no-one any favours.


  15. That’s the first time I’ve seen her comments on the convoy, but I guessed from the response I. My twitter feed they must have been pretty out there. I agree it reads as if she is drunk, but also angry. I’m not sure what the right response is. Perhaps ‘Are you Ok?’.


    • Trust me, that is NOT the right response to Helen! I did that once and got beaten about the head for caring. 🙂

      Angry, yes, but WHY? Her professed justification for her anger is invalid due to her “You will do as I say” mandate.


  16. I agree Robyn. Helen has done a wonderful service for women’s rights, but, times have changed, I know like me you have a teenage daughter, the issues they face now are different to back in our day… My daughter has been working very hard on the whole #ConvoyOfCleavage as it is actually something she can relate to, for that, I am very happy, she is being aware, outraged, and wanting to fight back, that is a good thing. It may seem piddly to the full on feminists, but hey is something, and that is better than NOTHING!


    • As I’ve said here and on Twitter, I liked Helen originally. As you say, times have changed. I think Helen has changed, or maybe I just didn’t see the behaviour before her article about DtJ.

      Very narrow perspective on life, I think.


  17. Great article! I’m going to be putting a link to this in the description of my youtube video tonight if that’s okay? 🙂 This is the perfect summary of just how Helen Razer slut shamed all those involved in the convoy of cleavage and how that in itself is contrary to feminism. This sort of behaviour does nothing for the real issues in the media and in our country today. Considering she seemed so interested in that, it’s a real shame.


    • That’s fine Caitlin. You might like to look at the article re the battle of ideologies link if you have time. I was more gentle that time!

      To me, the behaviour is very akin to cyber-bullying. Mind you I partly blame our politicians, because they lead with sort of behaviour.


  18. Helen gets paid to give an opinion. It’s her job and her opinions can be crazy, amusing or different. Almost always brutal, sometimes amusing and if she is lucky;inspired. You read her opinion and spend all day stewing about it and pen a personal attack on her personal life? You should try to be more critical of the issue or opinion. This is just a terrible thing to write about someone.


    • I can assure you I have better things to do that spend all day stewing over bullies. However, I do believe we all have a responsibility to call bullies to account.

      I did not pen a personal attack on her personal life. I did not mention anything about her personal life that she has not already publicised.

      If you think I wrote a terrible thing, have you checked the terrible things she has written about and to people since this all started? Today’s article in the Guardian, where she again accused people of intent they had clearly not had, is atrocious, not to mention the tweets to people.

      I write because I care. She writes for money as you point out.


  19. I use to listen to her on 774 Sunday mornings, thought she was so good and different. Then I came on Twitter and thought who the hell is this women, who has taken over from Helen and thinks she knows all. Not a very good role model at all, so I took her off twitter, begone hopefully one day you (Helen) may grow up.


    • Maureen, when I first came to Twitter I really liked her. She was sassy and enlightened and engaging. Intelligent and could string a few words together.

      As I just commented to Sandra below, now she is being a bully, pure and simple.

      It is very sad.


  20. I thought HRs comment pretty weird. Best wishes cleavage girls.


  21. Ha Ha Robyn. Good one. I would have to say that those tweets from HR that they must have been after she had a few glasses of red. They did get more & more shrill as they went didn’t they.
    It’s only the ‘black & white’ people, you know, the ones who cannot see anything more than their own version of anything, who just don’t know ‘fun’ when they see it or hear it.
    As for the rest of us who happen to see behind the black & white version of life, you know, the other ‘shades of grey’, well they, the B & W people just don’t know what they are missing in life.


    • I did originally think a few glasses of red (or a few scotches) but if I recall correctly that screenshot was early in the day. I will have to check the timestamp on the file (I’m on a different computer right now).

      A bigger concern is her tweets and articles have become more like on-line bullying of late and that is not at all acceptable. Frankly, I am surprised the Guardian published her article at all.


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